Monday, November 23, 2015

To find UNDO tablespace active transactions

SELECT TO_CHAR(s.sid)||','||TO_CHAR(s.serial#) sid_serial,
       NVL(s.username, 'None') orauser,
       s.program, undoseg,
       t.used_ublk * TO_NUMBER(x.value)/1024||'K' "Undo"
  FROM sys.v_$rollname    r,
       sys.v_$session     s,
       sys.v_$transaction t,
       sys.v_$parameter   x
 WHERE s.taddr = t.addr
   AND r.usn   = t.xidusn(+)
   AND  = 'db_block_size'

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How to Create TEMPORARY tablespace and drop existing temporary tablespace in oracle 11g/12c

1. Create Temporary Tablespace Temp create temporary tablespace temp2 tempfile '/mnt/mnt04/oradata/temp01.dbf'size 2000M;  2. Move D...